The Shack
This page details the radio equipment that is set up for use during club nights and used for special events. There are lots of other miscellaneous equipment such as meters etc. that can be borrowed, but it is not all in weekly use.
- Kenwood TS-440S - General coverage HF transceiver. 100Watts output with auto ATU. Good performance and used at special events.
- Kenwood TS-870S - The new addition - an excellent performer. General coverage HF with superb DSP and auto ATU. Good on CW as well as SSB.
- Trio TR-9130 - Getting on a bit but still works well. 25W output on 2M with all modes. Not a bad rig.
- Kenwood TM-441E - An excellent UHF-only rig, with 35W on FM on 430MHz. Good rig for FM and Packet. Not used much due to lack of 70cms activity but contacts have been known to be logged on this rig.
- Tiny 2 TNC - The packet station consists of a Tiny-2 TNC. We've just got a PC in the shack so maybe this will get used a bit more. Hopefully data modes to follow soon.
For HF, we have a 3 element tri-bander on the tower (with rotator) which performs considerably better than the barbed-wire fence we used previously!
As for the higher bands of VHF/UHF, we have a co-linear for 2m/70cms and also a 10 element crossed yagi for 2m on the tower.